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Wednesday 13 July 2022

Things to take care of in order to maintain good health during the summer season

Summer Health Tips That ’ll Help You Beat The Heat 


It’s the onset of summer and Indian summers are each about scorching heat. The temperatures rise incredibly high and take a risk on our health. From sunburns, skin rashes, heat strokes, dehumidification, and more, the effect of soaring mercury can be enervating. But thankfully, summer foods help beat the violent heat and are a delight to devour. Read through to learn further about the simple summer health tips that will help you make the utmost of the summer season without compromising on your health. 

 Summer Tips to Follow 

To beat the summer heat, it's important to stay outdoors. But with longer days and ample sun, it’s also the time to explore and trial. To keep the body healthy and refreshed indeed as temperatures soar, follow these simple summer health tips 

1. Add Summer Foods to Your Diet 

By nature, the summer foods are bestowed with rates that help in beating the summer blues. You can include green vegetables like bottle gourd, lady cutlet, cucumbers, pumpkin, and a range of fruits like watermelon, melons, mango, and berries. The summer foods are exceptionally high on antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, essential nutrients, and water. Their rich flavour and redundant crunch make them a perfect choice for salads, smoothies, and ice creams. 

2. Go High on Water and Fluids 

Being well-doused is one of the simplest summer tips that will help to lower the core body temperature. This helps you stay cool despite the soaring temperatures outdoors. Also, as the body loses water and essential mariners through sweating, make sure to make up for the depleting situations. Symptoms like dry lips and skin, headache, and dizziness can well be a sign of dehumidification. Consume as high as 3 litres of water per day and that too at regular intervals. stimulating drinks like lemonade, watermelon juice, coconut water, and iced tea can help you make up for the fluid input in a delightful way! 

3. Eat Small and Frequent refections 

 Eating heavy refections with high amounts of carbohydrates and fats will raise the inner body temperatures during the digestion process. This will make you feel uneasy and uncomfortable. therefore, eating healthy summer foods, switching to lighter refections with lower portion sizes, and frequent eating won't just insure acceptable nutrition but will also help you stabilise core body temperature. 

4. Prefer Whole Grains to Refined Cereals 

Healthy summer foods must include whole grains like brown rice, oats, barley, and wheat which confer good and healthy parcels as compared to their refined counterparts. They're high in nutritive value and are loaded with fibre. As these carbohydrates are digested sluggishly and remain in the stomach for a long time, the release of energy is spread over a longer period. This doesn't increase the core body temperature incontinently and ensures that you remain comfortable after eating in the hot summer months. 

5. Avoid Eggs and Flesh 

Summers are the time to go the vegan way! Anon-vegetarian diet is heavy and delicate to digest. Red meat, pork, and flesh increase the core body temperature, making you feel hotter and uncomfortable. immaculately, one must avoid heavier refections altogether or choose white flesh, spare meat, and fish. also, consider grilling and incinerating rather than frying. 

6. Avoid Alcohol and Caffeine 

Alcohol and caffeine are diuretic in nature which can leave you dehydrated snappily. thus, amalgamations, coffee, and effervescent drinks may not be the right libation for the hot summer season. also, their high- calorie content with low nutritive value raises an fresh red flag for weight watchers. 

7. Avoid Outflow Sun 

Don't venture out in the sun especially during the peak hours as the sun’s UV shafts are strongest around noon hours. rather, prefer morning hours i.e. before 1100 am and evening hours i.e. 500 pm onwards for out-of-door conditioning. Summer safety tips include wearing light cotton clothes, defensive hat, sunglasses, and carrying an marquee when you plan an out-of-door visit. Liberal operation of sunscreen embrocation and plenitude of water are a must-have for ultimate protection. 

8. Revamp Your Exercise Regimen 

The idea of breaking out of your exercise authority to beat the summer heat may not be a good bone. A diurnal fitness routine isn't just salutary for weight operation but also helps you feel good and positive. So, exercising during summer is amongst the important summer health tips to beat the summer blues. But switch to exercises that don't leave you drained. 

Try swimming as it'll keep you refreshed in the hot summer months. Alternately, try inner exercises like calisthenics, rotes, or yoga to keep you active and nimble or take advantage of the cool mornings and gloamings to do your fitness training. But flash back to take acceptable nutritive supplements to keep your body mariners and electrolytes in balance. 

 9. Do Not Compromise on Sleep 

A good sound sleep will insure that the body recoups well from the else draining summers. Not getting acceptable sleep will decelerate down the body’s invigorating process and leave you more prone to summer- related health issues like headache, dizziness, constant fatigue, nausea, and heaviness. also, as the days are exceptionally long, a small autumn nap can also prove to be a good relaxation for the body. Most importantly, follow the same sleep and wake- up time for overall exertion of the body. 

10. Avoid Outside Food 

The soaring temperatures offer perfect parentage grounds for infections to thrive. thus, to remain healthy and safe during summers, avoid outside roadside food as it isn't cooked and stored in aseptic conditions. Also,pre-cut food may get putrefied due to impurity. This may lead to foodborne conditions and stomach infections. 

11. Take Care of Your Eyes 

Treating your eyes well in the summer season is extremely important for your overall vision. Indeed though we avoid gaping at the sun directly, the intensity of the sun’s heat during the summer season is so high that indeed reflections on objects may be harsh to the eye’s health. So, wear defensive eyewear whenever you head out. 

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